
Sarah Palin adopts McCain s views on the equal pay

Sarah Palin adopts McCain s views on the equal pay act, she pretty much would be saying exactly that.
And if can drop the snark for a moment: I am actually really curious about what kind of conversation Palin and McCain would have if, you know forced to about equal pay. Palin s Title IX response at their joint town hall (and to Charlie Gibson) was a bit of nonsequitor but if we interpret that to mean that she is in favor of federal intervention to force proportionate spending on women, is she also in favor of federal intervention to force equal payment of them?
UPDATE: And I guess they don t agree on Title IX, either. McCain, last May:
The U.S. Department of Education under President Clinton took liberties in interpreting the law and without debate determined that universities must fund men s and ladies bmw interface s sports programs in proportion to the ratio of male to female students, old bmw or else lose federal funding for any part of the university including financial aid. In doing so, the adverse consequence of this interpretation unfortunately has been that many schools have adopted policies of strictly equal funding for male and female athletic programs. Unfortunately, many popular athletic programs have been cut because the overall amount of funding available for athletics programs will not sustain identical men s and girls s programs in every sport.
Well, that would be a tragedy. Though demanding strictly equal funding for male and female athletic programs it is not actually what Title IX does. I am sure many female athletes wish it was!

Denis Leary, the Ford F

Last week, Ben Smith observed Michigan Republican gubernatorial prospect Mike Cox experienced a Television advert bearing a striking resemblance to this business to get a pickup truck. You could possibly shrug it off as coincidence or an isolated appeal to the Motor Town crowd. But now it s cropping up once again, this time in Nevada. Rory Reid, the Democratic candidate for governor and son of Senate Bulk Leader Harry Reid, is up with this advert:

