
good aggregation site for seeing all in the polls at

good aggregation site for seeing all in the polls at a glance, but in case you want prediction analysis you might be much better off looking at Nate Silver or other such sites (e.g. electoral-vote.com or electionprojection.com should you feel a lot more comfortable seeing projections from a righty).
"BIGGER THAN WATERGATE: PROOF That the PRESIDENT IS LYING ut61e ABOUT BENGHAZI?""The safety officer experienced a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up help from a Specter gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Functions forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights. The fighting at the CIA annex went on for a lot more than four hrs ample time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive. Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One particular Special operations forces had been told to wait, between them Delta Force operators."http://www.blackfive.net/main/2012/10/bigger-than-watergate-proof-that-the-president-is-lying-about-benghazi.htmlWhy did the Obama regime let these brave Americans die?
This from you own conspiracy site. Even they admit they were wrong!Update 3: Jeff Emanuel thinksthat we might be jumping to conclusions and that Jennifer Griffin atFoxNews might have misreported a statement about active laser on atarget. I highly regard Jeff and Jennifer. And both could becorrect right now. Hopefully, we'll get some clarification.
@mantisdragon91'But don't forget your http://www.obdii.co.uk/car-diagnostic-tools-c-2/opel-com-based-diagnostic-tool BS from the other night about a gunship not being of use within the area. The availability of a laser designator would make your claims uninformed idiocy.
@paulejb1 Your source has as much credibility as you need to do. And yet both of you cowards offend the true fighting men and women by continuously putting up your ghoulish lies and conspiracy theories.
@paulejb1 @mantisdragon91 Practically nothing beats a Commander in Main who ignores intelligence memos and goes off to read children's books while 3,000 died

