
politicians and leading cultural figures are contributing to this negative

politicians and leading cultural figures are contributing to this negative sentiment and I think its getting worse. There are politicians out there making it worse like, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, my own governor Tim Pawlenty. I think Rick Lazio has been very detrimental to the idea of healing and bringing people together between Muslims and others. These people are out there trying to exploit it for personal gain. And its very unfortunate and sad. Peter King has also played a very detrimental and negative role. Steve King has done the same. Michele Bachmann I mean theres sort of a chorus of these people doing this. Those are just the politicians. Franklin Graham has air wedge said some incredible painful things about Muslims, which are very unfortunate. So has Rev. Hagee and these are leading cultural figures. Brian Fischer of the American Family Association has maxiscan ms300 said no more mosques should be built because Islam is at war with The united states, which is absurd, ridiculous and untrue.
Caron: In dealing with extremism, we know that America cannot win in her war against terrorism without the help of the Muslims. But post 9/11 as tragic as it was, I mean hundreds of Muslims died, hundreds of Jewish brothers and sisters, white, black, Latino and others passed away as a result of such a tragic event but after that tragedy it opened the doors for different communities of interest, different religious groups, different ethnic groups to come together and talk about their different faiths and really allow people to gain a greater understanding of different religions, particularly Islam. I think were living in a time where our economic downturn hasnt helped our fears and now you have a religion that a lot of Americans dont know anything about, or dont know much about.
3. Even as the threats have abated, have the fears increased?
Ellison: I do think that they have increased. I also think that with some of these anti-Islamic comments and actions it feeds into the narrative of the transnational

